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By deathwaltz
The UK list is announced tonight at 7.30 pm
I have given Films On Wax a heads up on titles so at 7.30 on the dot he'll be publishing a soundtrack only look at releases for this year for those that don't want to dig through the whole list.
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By seb
You guys are in for a serious treat … some of the stuff that's coming out, crazy!

On a side note, OWS will NOT be releasing something for RSD this year. We decided to save ourself the stress and instead work on our regular release schedule. We will be doing something next year again though!

Support your local record store (every day, not just on RSD)

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By tonyandrewgiles
I concur, this year is amazing for soundtracks.

I'm gonna start saving now ;)
By dweebofthedead
Spencer, any chance of Mondo doing something this year, too?
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By Little Walter
Will Death Waltz issues be restricted to the UK RSD? (Sorry if this was brought up before . . .)
By Occhionero
[quote=58099]Will Death Waltz issues be restricted to the UK RSD? (Sorry if this was brought up before . . .)[/quote]

Last year they had all DW releases in Germany, so if I can grab a copy for you guys let me know!
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By texasvinyl
I will be sitting out this RSD. The place I used to go to for RSD closed down, and the only other store around here that will get good and plentiful stock will be a circus eight hours before opening.

It will never happen, but I kind of wish this would be the last RSD.

Make every day Record Store Day. Put special releases out all the time.
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By toosoonjunior
RIP CD Source.

I'll likely be sitting out RSD as well. For the most part, everyone drives themselves crazy trying to get 'limited' RSD releases, when most of them are readily available for reasonable prices if you just have the patience to wait it out for a few weeks. Take for instance all of the Death Waltz RSD releases from last year. Really fantastic albums, but I still see multiple copies of those a lot of record stores I go to.

I don't know, maybe I'm just at the age (31) where I just don't see the appeal of getting up early and standing in line like a herd of cattle just so I can be one of the first people to post on Instagram about my "RSD record haul." Just my $0.02 :)
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By texasvinyl
At least some of the stuff got reissued. I was bummed about missing out on the REM unplugged, but they went back and pressed up a ton of them.
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By deathwaltz
Cinevox own RSD this year. Just wait.
Last year we pressed twice as much as the previous year which is why our releases hung around , we have cut them right back this year with even splits across all territories
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By chiefbrody
I think there are pros and cons to RSD. I've read some pretty strong arguments for the stress it can put on stores, record plants, etc. At the same time, I'm happy to see people going to a record shop and buy some records, and not stream/steal their music. I wish most of the people returned and bought a few records throughout the year. I also end up getting myself super-hyped about a handful of releases and it is mostly fun waiting on the store opening and meeting up with folk.

I'm pretty gutted to miss out (when I do), especially when I see the records I want immediately on ebay. I can't complain too much though - those people were probably prepared to stand in a queue longer than me. There's a balance between making them too limited that it encourages outrageous flipping versus them being limited enough to make people get out of bed, but who knows how you'd work that out. There are usually plenty of leftovers of some titles, so it's obviously difficult. It doesn't take a genius to work out you need to press a lot of copies of titles by major artists, though in the main that seems to work out (e.g. Dylan, The White Stripes, Miles Davis).

One thing I've learned about Warners (re: REM, above), is that they tend to not be too exclusive - either there are plenty of them, or they seem to get released in another form at a later time. The only one I didn't get was when I paid over the odds for the REM CD that was in RSD 2013, and then it reappeared a while later for half what I paid. I think you can still get it off Amazon two years later.
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By texasvinyl
I am looking forward to seeing what 7" are included in the Cinevox box! First release in years I think you mentioned.

I wonder if any copies will make it stateside. I have had really bad luck with stores successfully ordering RSD stock. They put in the order but never get any copies. Of course these are small stores that aren't big time RSD players like some of the bigger shops.

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By seb
Light In The Attic is gonna drop a bomb this RSD… one of my favorite soundtracks EVER.
So jealous of this.

Cinevox stuff is killer for sure… but the DW and INVADA RSD releases are killing it even more for me personally.

Stay tuned!
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By toosoonjunior
I suppose I ought to finally go look at the RSD list now...
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By Little Walter
I'm still concerned about how much of this stuff is making its way to Texas.
By el diabolik
@ Texas

Cinevox 45s are:

Ennio Morricone - Giù La Testa
Bixio Frizzi Tempera - Febbre Da Cavallo
Goblin - Profondo Rosso
Stelvio Cipriani - La Polizia Sta A Guardare
Piero Umiliani - 5 Bambole Per La Luna D'Agosto
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By Red Goblin
Take a look in the AMS section....
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By blue15
Would that be SHOGUN ASSASIN - Cinewax/Light in the Attic (4000 copies)?
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By deathwaltz
I kind of hate how much leaks these days
I used to get really excited knowing an announcement was coming , these days it is all drip leaked ... kinda blows
By albatard
Oh crap, i didn't notice before that RSD was the day i have to move to my new no RSD for me this year...sad as i really love talking to the same guys every years while waiting for the store to open...

Hope i'll be able to pick the DW/Mondo releases online for a reasonnable price...
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