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By Dollarhyde
Demon City Shinjuku by Motokazu Shinoda


To echo @inksb appreciation. This is hands down my favourite release of TLV'S SUB so far. Possibly my favourite thing they have put out so far.

I'm so pleased they made this a double LP with all the extra cuts. For me this typifies what I love about collecting this genre, so much unique electronic sounds/music. Yes, there are a couple of cheesy themes that would be hard to swallow for most but that's part and parcel of this era and I'm glad those songs have not been edited out.
But!! The rest of the music is wonderous dark mutant electronic noodlings and hooks, a style you really don't hear anywhere else. The closest I can think of would be early VGM music, which I think has a big crossover, in Japan at least l, with 80's anime OSTs. In fact the composer of this record's main career was programming games for the sega genesis (megadrive).

When recommending anime OSTs to those outside of the rabbit hole one could go for something very accessible that leans close to many non anime soundtracks, which makes sense. But, I would also consider something like Demon City Shinjuku which is a perfect example of the unique sound to this genre, and in particular this era (80's edgy trashy anime).

I really hope this sells well for TLV as getting gold like this released for the first time ever is a god send.
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By chiefbrody
I didn't know what to expect from this, it was a blind pick up from the Mondo sale. It was a fun listen, I'll def return to it.
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chiefbrody wrote: Mon Jan 13, 2020 10:27 am I didn't know what to expect from this, it was a blind pick up from the Mondo sale. It was a fun listen, I'll def return to it.
Funny story about this movie. One of my drive ins does a few nights of classic and shlock movies. The one night they advertised as not for kids and Werewolf Woman came on. Not even 5 minutes into the movie there is some pretty graphic sex and self pleasure happening on screen. All of a sudden the announcer came on and essentially said "We were pretty clear that this was not a kid friendly event, anyone needing a refund can return to the box office, etc"

Don't recall the soundtrack, but what a crazy movie lol
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By deafmetal
@inks & @dollar have covered this new Tiger Lab release very well, so I’ll just add that it’s definitely a highlight of the sub and overall catalog. First listen is sounding good to me. I’d love some liner notes, especially for an expanded album release, but none to be found. The bonus print by Holy Mountain is a beauty, especially the artwork of the big baddie Rebi Ra:

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By inksb
@bez, how is that Piero Umilani? I haven't heard that one. Also what are you thoughts on the Maniac OST? I enjoyed the show and pretty sure I enjoyed the soundtrack.

@revolver, The Messenger OST is excellent, I've listened to it quite a bit digitally but just couldn't justify picking it up for $40+. Did you get it during their recent sale? How is the pressing?
The OST is great, definitely grabbed it during the sale. 40 is way too much. Pretty good sounding pressing, not noticing a lot of noise, and it's as good as you're going to get for NES/SNES music. Iam8bit is funny. They charge 40 for a 2LP, and it's bare bones, no insert, just records, sleeves. Their deluxe editions are usually pretty good, but as we've discussed their customer service sucks, and they are way overpriced.

The game is fantastic too if you haven't played it, although very difficult at times.
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By Bezulsqy
inksb wrote: Wed Jan 15, 2020 12:37 am @bez, how is that Piero Umilani? I haven't heard that one. Also what are you thoughts on the Maniac OST? I enjoyed the show and pretty sure I enjoyed the soundtrack.

@revolver, The Messenger OST is excellent, I've listened to it quite a bit digitally but just couldn't justify picking it up for $40+. Did you get it during their recent sale? How is the pressing?
That Umilani is fantastic! And Maniac is a very good listen. Haven't seen the show. And only listened to the first disc of the two. But sounded great. I wish I could be more eloquent in describing how things sound... I mainly use words like good, great, fantastic or bad, boring and shit.
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By inksb
Bezulsqy wrote: Wed Jan 15, 2020 10:05 am
inksb wrote: Wed Jan 15, 2020 12:37 am @bez, how is that Piero Umilani? I haven't heard that one. Also what are you thoughts on the Maniac OST? I enjoyed the show and pretty sure I enjoyed the soundtrack.

@revolver, The Messenger OST is excellent, I've listened to it quite a bit digitally but just couldn't justify picking it up for $40+. Did you get it during their recent sale? How is the pressing?
That Umilani is fantastic! And Maniac is a very good listen. Haven't seen the show. And only listened to the first disc of the two. But sounded great. I wish I could be more eloquent in describing how things sound... I mainly use words like good, great, fantastic or bad, boring and shit.
Honestly all I care about is if you think it's good or bad :)

No need to be eloquent. I'm the same way, I'm a terrible writer so I tend to be a bit more blunt in the way I describe things.

I will definitely check out the Umilani then and I recommend you give the Maniac show a watch when you have some free time. It's pretty short, I think 8 episodes ranging from 20 minutes to an hour.
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By ScoJo
What you have there... is an amazing goddam record.

Well done you guys!

If I do ever see a non-bank-busting copy of Stridulum out here in the wild, I will be all over that beauty like white on rice.
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