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Now......playing [Video games discussion]

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2019 3:45 pm
by inksb
I'm not too sure how popular this thread will be but I'm a huge videogame fan as some may notice by my purchase of VGM soundtracks. It's not all just nostalgia though as I still play games quite a bit.

I grew up on NES, Atari 2600 and arcades. Street Fighter II World Warriors ignited a fire inside me that still burns today. If any one wants to play Street Fighter, any version, I will drop what ever I'm doing and go do that.

I figured this thread could be a discussion on games whether you still play, would like to reminisce about days gone by or just see some other idiots who waste time in their day rather than being a productive human being.

I actually don't have much time to play games during the day but I sacrifice a few hours of sleep a night to usually play something. I live in the middle of no where and have sattellite internet so I can't play games online with any one unfortunately but I occasionally bring my PS4 to work and play after hours on their internet.

What have any of you been playing? What are you favorite games? Were you a Sega or Nintendo kid? Sony or Xbox? Are you a PC person now?

Re: Now......playing [Video games discussion]

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2019 3:55 pm
by inksb
Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo and Street Fighter 3 Third Strike are probably my two favorite games of all time. I can play them endlessly. Castlevania Symphony of the Night, Mega Man X, TMNT Turtles in Time and Castlevania 3 are up there as my favorites as well.

Last year I discovered the Monster Hunter series and played 3 games, Monster Hunter World, Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate and Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate. I still play two of those games pretty regularly. I put an unreasonable amount of hours into them.

This year has been pretty stacked with good games as well. I played through the new remake of Resident Evil 2 which was perfect. It was exactly what I wanted out of that game.

Devil May Cry 5 came out a few weeks ago and I've already beat it 3 times on 3 different difficulties, it's my favorite in the series and is my favorite game to come out this year. The combo system is intense and the story is so absurd in all the right ways. It took 10 years to get this sequel and I'm really hoping we get another with in the next 5. I plan on taking on some of the more insane difficulties like Dante Must Die mode (everything does 800% more damage and has 800% more health/def), Heaven and Hell mode (one hit death for you or enemies) and finally the mode I doubt I can beat, Hell and Hell mode (you die in one hit, everything else has 400% health). Great game with tons of replay-ability and a new mode coming in April called Bloody Palace which is a series of levels where you just fight various enemies trying to score higher and higher and eventually get to the end which has crazy hard versions of the final bosses.

And finally I just picked up Sekiro which is a new ninja game from the creators of Dark Souls/Bloodborne franchise From Soft. I'm only a few hours in but it's insanely hard and a blast to play. You have to parry attacks from enemies to break their posture then deliver a death blow, they can do the same to you. I spent 20 minutes trying to figure out the first "mini-boss". So far it's quite different from their previous games and a blast play even if it's a touch frustrating.

Re: Now......playing [Video games discussion]

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2019 4:00 pm
by Bezulsqy
I played a lot of games between 1988 or so and 2010. Started with the NES and SNES. Then went on to Sony. PS1, 2, 3 and 4.
Nowadays I can't find the time to play. But I am looking forward to making time for The Last of US 2.

Re: Now......playing [Video games discussion]

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2019 5:08 pm
by inksb
I'm really curious how Last of Us 2 is going to turn out. The little bit of footage and trailer they showed left me very cold. Not that it doesn't look amazing but it was just so bleak and brutal.

Re: Now......playing [Video games discussion]

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2019 2:26 pm
by Dollarhyde
I was a SNES and MegaDrive (Genesis) kid. I also had an Atari ST before that, and before that would play the C64 at times. I also had an N64, GC and Wii. I have a PS4 but currently never game on it, and have hardly gamed on it in general. I really struggle to find the time with work, a 3 and a 1 year old.

I also picked up the NES and SNES mini classics, but again never get a chance to play them, I do aim to complete all the games on them at some point. My older daughter has got a little to grips with NES but can't do the D pad yet.

Ridiculously I watch more gaming than do it I subscribe to cinemassacre and happy console gamer on YouTube, two highly recommended gaming channels, cinemassacre also covers movies, as the name states and HCG is a big old anime fan, with some great recommendations he turned me on to Megazone23, and his videos were key to me getting back into anime.

Re: Now......playing [Video games discussion]

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2019 2:33 pm
by inksb
I discovered Happy Console Gamer a few months ago and he is just one of the most genuine people I've watched talk about video games on youtube. I don't watch every video he puts out but the ones I do I enjoy quite a bit. I loved his impressions of Devil May Cry 5 video where he talks about how much he loves the character Nico and his fans pointed out that she looks like his wife.

I'll have to check out cinemassacre.

I do not have kids so I do have more time to play games than most folks my age. For years I didn't know what the hell people were talking about Sega MegaDrive. I thought it was a console that I wasn't aware of. Then the internet informed me it's just the Genesis name outside of the US.

Re: Now......playing [Video games discussion]

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2019 2:52 pm
by Dollarhyde
Yeah, HCG is great here is a great video he did with some old school anime recommendations.

You should check out cinemassacre (aka AVGN)

The have several shows, James and Mike Mondays, and now Rental reviews are an institution for me :D

Re: Now......playing [Video games discussion]

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2019 8:01 pm
by NathanLurker
I like classic gaming, grew up no SNES. I I've recently gone through Horizon : Zero Dawn with my girlfriend (we swapped the controller between us, we like to do solo games together) and right now I'm playing a lot of Apex Legends. It's the first Battle Royale game I've ever played. It's a very well done game, assuming one likes Battle Royale type games. I play on PS4. I am aiming to play some solo games soon. Next in line is Wolfenstein New Colossus, and Resident Evil 2 Remake. (and then I REALLY need to catch up on DOOM and ALIEN ISOLATION which I've had for a long time and haven't got around to playing yet).

Re: Now......playing [Video games discussion]

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2019 8:02 pm
by texasvinyl
Pinball FX3. And I rather enjoy Dead Cells. Basically games that are fun in the occasional 30 minutes I might get to play one. I wish I had time to play the others! Sekiro looks great.

Re: Now......playing [Video games discussion]

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2019 8:19 pm
by inksb
NathanLurker wrote: Wed Mar 27, 2019 8:01 pm I like classic gaming, grew up no SNES. I I've recently gone through Horizon : Zero Dawn with my girlfriend (we swapped the controller between us, we like to do solo games together) and right now I'm playing a lot of Apex Legends. It's the first Battle Royale game I've ever played. It's a very well done game, assuming one likes Battle Royale type games. I play on PS4. I am aiming to play some solo games soon. Next in line is Wolfenstein New Colossus, and Resident Evil 2 Remake. (and then I REALLY need to catch up on DOOM and ALIEN ISOLATION which I've had for a long time and haven't got around to playing yet).
Wolfenstein II New Colossus is a great game. It really doesn't bring anything new to table from a FPS perspective but it's a great single player campaign that controls great and has some of the most batshit crazy cinematic moments you'll ever see. Seriously there is one particular scene late in the game with a character wielding two guns that was something I never imagined I'd ever see. DOOM is also excellent and feels like the perfect modern day adaption of the classic series. I was skeptical but loved it once I played it.

I've heard great things of Apex Legends but FPS multiplayer games are just not for me. I've tried over the years and I just can't really get into them. The last one I played for more than an hour was COD4 Modern Warfare.

What did you think of Horizon Zero Dawn? I haven't finished it but I'm about 3/4 of the way through. I tend to burn myself out on open world games because I feel the need to do almost every mission/sub quest I come across. I really enjoyed my time in that world though. I liked the robot creature designs.

It's pretty awesome your girlfriend likes playing games. My wife enjoys playing games but she doesn't have a ton of time to do so and even then her skill is limited. We played Mario Odyssey last year together, she controlled the hat which was perfect for her as I could handle all of the crazy platforming sections and she just hit the enemies for me. We recently played through Overcooked 2 which is a really fun multiplayer game. I would love to play with 4 people to see what kind of crazy scores you could get. We barely got by with just the two of us on some of the levels.

Re: Now......playing [Video games discussion]

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2019 9:50 pm
by Jimmy_Mike
@ink - I'm in the same boat with HZD. Love the game, but my OCD on quests... I gave up on Witcher 3 for same reason. Working through Wolf 1 now and agree with everything you said.

Re: Now......playing [Video games discussion]

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2019 11:29 pm
by inksb
I couldn't get into The Witcher 3, Geralt controls like a GTA character. Movement felt terrible. I played maybe 5-6 hours and said screw it, I have way too many other games to play.

Re: Now......playing [Video games discussion]

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2019 7:30 pm
by NathanLurker
inksb wrote: Wed Mar 27, 2019 8:19 pm
What did you think of Horizon Zero Dawn? I haven't finished it but I'm about 3/4 of the way through. I tend to burn myself out on open world games because I feel the need to do almost every mission/sub quest I come across. I really enjoyed my time in that world though. I liked the robot creature designs.
Loved it man. I also have trouble keeping focus on open worlds. Tried Skyrim when it came out, and as soon as your're out into the world after the beginning I felt like I had too much choices. I like how Horizon's side quest are very integrated to the story or the zones you are already in most of the time. The side quests didn't feel like I had to go out of my way, they weren't as loose in the world as other open worlds game I've tried. Also, the quest logs make it easy to follow up on whatever opened quests you have and it gives you locations instead of letting you wander and search for what you need.

Me and my girlfriend tried Divinity 2 because we wanted to play something coop and that wasn't well done. You keep walking into quests that go all over the place and the logs just give you descriptions of what you've seen but they don't give you any waypoints on your map. I stopped playing after an hour.

Re: Now......playing [Video games discussion]

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2019 7:52 pm
by inksb
Yeah it seems Divinity is a love it or hate type game. Funny story about Skyrim, I personally don't like the game but I was pretty excited to play it when it came out, I bought it on PC as I had just built my first gaming rig. Installed the game over night so I could play it all day on my day off. I put maybe 4-5 hours into the game wandered into an area with a dragon that was well beyond my level and it killed me, I laughed because I knew I shouldn't have done then, game loads back up at the beginning. Nothing saved. Some how my autosave had been disabled. I lost 5 hours of gameplay in one go. I put it down, tried to go back a few times but just didn't like the control and flow of combat so I never really progressed.

I definitely agree with you on Horizon and the way they do their side quests. I personally think that Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild is the best open world game I've played. They distilled down all of the great elements of the genre while at the same time was able to eliminate a lot of the shortcomings. My only gripe about that game is I disliked the weapon degradation system even though I understood why they implemented it.

I've put quite a bit of my free time in the evenings into Sekiro, it's a lot of fun. There's a boss about 1/3 of the way into the game that might be the best boss fight I've ever done. He reacts to how you are playing, he parries your attacks just like you, it's an incredible give and take. I had an insane rush after I beat it, one hit left on my health on the third and final phase. From Soft does a great job at creating these boss fights where you feel like you conquered a mountain, Lady Maria from Bloodborne, Smough & Ornstein in Dark Souls and Nameless King in Dark Souls 3.

Re: Now......playing [Video games discussion]

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2019 12:24 am
by deafmetal
@inks - Thank you for creating a thread to talk gaming. I have not been actively gaming for a while, but my last epic journey was completing Fallout 3 and all the DLC packs, including tracking down a full in-game bobblehead collection. My home in Megaton is just ridiculous. I collected all the pre-war money I could find throughout the wasteland and just have a giant pile of money and teddy bears in my bed that I sleep in. That game is probably some weird OCD therapy for me, but it’s been one of the most enjoyable gaming experiences of my life. I have an install of New Vegas that I haven’t spent much time on though. I have found my free time consumed with other interests lately, so I have not even looked at Fallout 4 yet. I think I bought Skyrim on some Steam sale, but have not even launched it. I am also a long-retired WoW raider. I stopped playing after Tier 6 when the WotLK expansion dropped. I had managed to acquire Illidan’s blindfold and ring, but not any legendary warglaives, sadly. It was the perfect time for me to give all that up though as it corresponded with some big changes in my life.

Anyway, I could contribute some vintage nostalgia to this thread.

My parents had a Pong console in the late 70’s which was my introduction to video games, and my dad always seemed to have a handheld electronic football game nearby. The rare visits to the nearest small-town arcade were like entering another dimension: dark, smoky, and glowing with garish colored lights on high-contrast psychedelic carpeting. The arcade was tucked away in a back corner of the mall. I wish I could find a photo of the entrance as it was a large half-circle with some really wild paint -- something like this but much darker inside:


The arcade operator would chain-smoke cigs at a tiny desk with a newspaper and a lamp in the back by the pinball tables. I think they had five or six tables and rarely swapped any out. Black Knight and Gorgar were my favorites, and I appreciated the table artwork much more than my parents did at the time. ;)


I was really young back then, and I found pinball easier to manage than the video games. One of the earliest video games I remember playing with my parents was the sit-down cab of Night Driver:


I also remember playing Gunfight:


My parents loved shooting gallery games as well. My dad would play the Atari Football video game with the trackball controls. Later on it was games like Asteroids, Breakout, Galaxian, and Space Invaders. I was likely baffled by most of them until I got a bit older.

The early 80’s is a blur of Berzerk, Centipede, Dig Dug, Donkey Kong, Frogger, Missile Command, Mr. Do!, Q*bert, and Pac-Man. This was around the time where cabs starting showing up in all the local convenience stores and pizza restaurants. It’s also the time when I started to experience some serious gaming console envy when visiting friends who had an Atari. I wanted Pitfall! and Yar’s Revenge so badly. Our old Pong system just could not compete! My grandparents lived in town, and I also had a young uncle who was in high school back then. He got an Odyssey2 system which blew my mind. K.C. Munchkin and Pick Axe Pete! were the jam being direct Pac-Man and Donkey Kong ripoffs.


The Odyssey2 also had some rad sword & sorcery games like Quest for the Rings. Just look at this killer game box art:


Although this might look like unimpressive crap, this game was my favorite thing in the world for a long time. You could choose between five different character classes (like D&D) and it supported multiplayer co-op!

I put some serious time into the Odyssey2 games as I had no access to an Atari or a rare and god-like Commodore 64. There was a monochrome Apple II in our grade school classrooms where I would play Number Munchers, Oregon Trail, and Hard Hat Mack (yet another Donkey Kong clone):

My world was turned upside down that magical Christmas morning in the mid-80’s when we opened up that NES box… (to be continued!)

Re: Now......playing [Video games discussion]

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2019 12:47 am
by inksb
I love this @deaf, I look forward to the rest of the story. Love the photos too as some of these I've never seen or don't remember. Gorgar is an amazing looking pinball machine.

Re: Now......playing [Video games discussion]

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2019 9:50 am
by ScoJo
Just gonna hide this here... early sneak peak at the back glass artwork on my family's custom pinball project... please don't repost or share fellas, or I'll lose my press credentials ;)
9bb1a516-aad2-49b8-a61d-9b4b0b9d3564.jpg (607.54 KiB) Viewed 7938 times
The playing field is going to be insane from what I've seen... more pics soon

Re: Now......playing [Video games discussion]

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2019 12:11 pm
by inksb
Oh my, that is a thing of beauty.

Re: Now......playing [Video games discussion]

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2019 1:36 pm
by NathanLurker
That is excellent

Re: Now......playing [Video games discussion]

Posted: Wed May 08, 2019 2:41 pm
by inksb
I finished Sekiro, it was quite fantastic. It's my second favorite game from From Soft (Bloodborne being number 1). After giving it a break I will return to get the other 3 endings.

I started playing the new Spider Man game on PS4, it's beautiful and a blast to web sling around the city. It feels so fluid, it's an extremely striking game visually. The combat is fun, if a bit frustrating at times because enemies will hit you from off screen and some of the big heavy hitters move way faster than the little guys while having insane tracking. It's fun, I pick it up and play an hour or two every few days.

My main focus for the last few weeks has been a game called Enter the Gungeon, it's a rougelike where you enter a randomized dungeon, shoot your way through, unlock a few chests with new power ups, fight a big boss, get a new gun and move to the next floor. There are 5 main floors, each floor has 3 possible bosses, one super rare and random boss, a final boss for stage 5, 4 secret floors each with their own special boss and a special final level you unlock after many runs called Bullet Hell where you fight an insane boss called The Lich. The game is full of ridiculous puns, almost every item or weapon has some form of pun to it. There are so many weapons to unlock through purchasing from various shops, tasks, hidden achievements and other random crap. It's a frustratingly fun game, I think it took me about 25-30 before I actually beat the game for the first time, only to discover that it wasn't really over. If you have played Binding of Isaac this is kind of similar to that.

I really want to buy Mortal Kombat 11 but the PC port has some issues so I've been waiting for those to get ironed out before I pick it up.

Re: Now......playing [Video games discussion]

Posted: Tue May 21, 2019 9:30 pm
by ScoJo
ScoJo wrote: Thu Apr 11, 2019 9:50 am Just gonna hide this here... early sneak peak at the back glass artwork on my family's custom pinball project... please don't repost or share fellas, or I'll lose my press credentials ;)


The playing field is going to be insane from what I've seen... more pics soon
Another sneak peak on the hush hush.... the playing field of my family's custom Scott Pilgrim pinball:
IMG_0333.JPG (491.85 KiB) Viewed 7754 times

Re: Now......playing [Video games discussion]

Posted: Tue May 21, 2019 9:38 pm
by inksb
That machine is going to look so damn cool.

Re: Now......playing [Video games discussion]

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2019 6:18 pm
by inksb
I spent some time with an old friend a few weeks ago and we were reminiscing over our obsessive love for Final Fantasy VII when it came out, that summer we both spent way too much time playing that game. Well on Friday last week I saw an article posted about a new PC mod for the game that up scales all of the pre-rendered backgrounds, character models, world map textures and FMV's. I proceed to download it and install it that evening. The game looks so nice now, obviously it doesn't make it look any less silly or from that era of giant polygon chibi characters but it makes them much easier on the eyes on your computer monitor/TV of the modern era. I spent part of the weekend while it was raining playing again and boy is it fun. So many things forgotten moments (the brothel scene?!?!). I plan on playing this for the next few weeks, I'm curious how far I'll get before I bail out. I'm also excited to actually see some game play of thel Remake coming from Square Enix, it should be shown off at E3 soon.

Re: Now......playing [Video games discussion]

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2019 10:37 pm
by texasvinyl
Sounds cool. I never did follow Square into the world of 3D. VI was the last I played all the way through. I need to revisit my Secret of Mana game. I also stopped like halfway (probably not even !) through Chrono Trigger on the snes mini which I never played as a kid, need to finish that one too. Just no time!!

Have any of you guys played Dead Cells? Probably my favorite in some time. Finally beat the game on easy, but Hard is just next level tough. Very polished and fun gameplay for an indie.

Re: Now......playing [Video games discussion]

Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2019 12:52 am
by inksb
Secret of Mana and it's sequel (never released outside of Japan, but rumors of a collection coming west have been swirling) I plan on playing at some point this year. I haven't played Mana since I was in my teens and I've always wanted to revisit. My friend had a the multi controller adapter for his SNES so him, his brother and me would play it, it was so much fun with other people.

I personally think that after FFIX Square fell off and never really recovered. They were almost flawless during the SNES era, the 3D they made some new groundbreaking stuff but they just seemed to shoot themselves in the foot over and over again.

Dead Cells is great, I bought that game in early access and put maybe 30-40 hours into last year. They have since updated it and added so much more content that the last time I logged in to play it told me I should start over because I will be missing lots of new content so I did and was blown away with how much they changed. I never did beat the last boss though. Eventally I'll give it a go, especially since they now have an easy mode.