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Tangerine Dream started it off for me.......waaaaay way back in the day. Risky Business and The Keep for sure.
(will we ever see The Keep on wax??) and I always noticed Carpenter's scores, for sure. Alongside Miami Vice and
things like StreetHawk on TV ;)

Around the same time I started buying records (13 or 14), I made a cassette compilation from VHS tapes which I still have, and looking back those choices are still some of my very favourites including CUTTER'S WAY, AMERICANA, KUROSAWA'S RAN, ERASERHEAD, THE AMERICAN FRIEND, THE HIRED HAND, RIVER'S EDGE, SOLARIS, OUT OF THE BLUE, FEARLESS VAMPIRE KILLERS, INVASION OF THE BODY SNATCHERS (78), THE WICKER MAN..... it's such a joy to see the rarer ones getting a release over the years.
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By reddye6
As a teenager, I'd buy a soundtrack every once in a while, such as Eraserhead, but I didn't start considering soundtracks as a genre to explore until I purchased Simon Fisher Turner's "The Garden" as a cutout. From there it was other Turner soundtracks, which led eventually to Tarkovsky soundtracks and the soundtracks to "Fantastic Planet" and "Phantasm/Phantasm II" to really have my addiction take off.
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By Purplemule74
First album that I purchased in 83:


First soundtrack album that I can remember spinning:


First soundtrack that I can recall having on heavy rotation is the soundtrack to the film 'More' by Pink Floyd.

It had been years since I bought vinyl - then I discovered Death Waltz. My addiction was picked up again. Thanks DW for helping me break on the needle again!
By prettybleak
i've been into soundtracks since I was a kid, but this is the first one to motivate me to get into vinyl. Favorite image (shot in my hometown), from my favorite movie, with my favorite score, and signed by Cinzia herself :)
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By horseloverphat
Apocalypse Now & Hallowe'en II...in my teenage years.
By philball1974
I guess it goes all the way back to the lost boys on cassette. As for vinyl, it was brad fiedel's fright night
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By NathanLurker
I think my first record was Doomriders ''Black thunder''. or at least it's one of the first CD I had that I had been thinking I wanted to eventually get on record, even before I decided to collect records.

also, Electric Wizard stuff.

for soundtracks, my first was Basil Poledouris' Conan the Barbarian.
By teenagegrubworm
My parents actually got me into vinyl.

Every holiday or birthday I would get at least one record from my parents, kiss love gun is one of the earliest ones I remember.
Christopher Youngs Hellraiser score is what stared soundtracks with me.
By ninjaqutie
The first soundtrack I ever owned was Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon on CD. I remember watching that movie and being blown away at the cinematmography used to create the film and the choreography and soundtrack were also fantastic. I've really always had songs here and there from various films all throughout life, but that was the first film I went out and bought the entire soundtrack to.

I'm pretty sure my first soundtrack on vinyl was Waxwork's Re-Animator. I didn't even collect soundtracks then; in fact, it wasn't even on my radar. I had no idea who Waxwork was and I hadn't seen (still haven't) re-animator (though I now have it on my Amazon Prime watch list). I was perusing through the bins and the cover caught my eye. I didn't feel like spending that much, so I flipped past it and eventually walked away. It kept nagging at me, so 15 minutes later I went back and picked it up. The rest as they say is history. Now I am close to having 2 expedit bins filled up of soundtracks. :)
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By tim28212
Hellraiser is a terrific score and needs to be re-issued on vinyl. The movie "The Power" was my introduction to Christopher Young. Got the score to that movie as soon as I could find it.
By Ptflea2
The first soundtrack I remember sticking was Suspiria, when Quality Video released the VHS. It took weeks to get Goblin out of my head.

But my first vinyl record OST was Blade Runner. Years ago my neighbor was cleaning out his garage and I saw a box of records. Mostly junk, but there she lay: a sealed copy of Blade Runner.

Me: "Hey, how much you want for this?"

Neighbor: "Just take it. If you don't, it goes in the trash."

And so the addiction began....
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By jgibbs4053
I didnt even know horror soundtracks were such a big thing and some how i stumbled across a article on Waxwork’s Re-Animator when i was scrolling through Twitter about a year ago. I bought it off their website and now i have about 40 other horror soundtracks. I have been collecting cheesy 80s movie soundtracks since i got into vinyl about 8yrs ago
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By seb
First soundtracks... Wow ages ago.

I think it was the Deer Hunter or A Clockwork Orange
By oaxaca
Death Waltz' Living Dead at Manchester Morgue. When I saw that one day in a local record shop I had to have it. That was my gateway into soundtracks on vinyl. Prior to that I'd been into non-soundtrack stuff, especially jazz - Blue Note, Atlantic, etc, LPs since 2010 ish when I discovered a record player in the loft :D
By philball1974
@OWS Cavatina is the best acoustic guitar track bar non
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By Purplemule74
@ Ninjaqutie:

You haven't seen Re-Animator yet!


The Knights Templar of 80s horror are coming for you.
I've been collecting soundtrack LPs since my mid-teens - weirdo that I was, I always preferred them to "real" music/songs (although I bought those too). It's a tough one to call, but if I strain really hard I think the first one probably was actually a song/film tie-in...either Footloose 12" or, no I got it: Axel F!!! I walked into my local Virgin Megastore and asked for "the one that goes..." and proceeded to sing the theme!

The fuckin' 80s man.
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By hncreature
First soundtrack here...GREASE...for 12th birthday - It was all up hill from there...
By scottyboy71
My first ever record was Flash by Queen. My Dad bought it for me after taking me to the pictures to see Flash Gordon. I played that and the flip; Football Fight, over and over.
I loved movies so much when I was a kid, and sell through videos were horrendously expensive at first (along with blank video cassettes). I used to record the films onto an audio cassette and listen to them on my Walkman or in my room in a desperate attempt to relive the experience of watching the film.
This led to a huge love of the soundtracks involved and sent me off buying soundtracks on vinyl; Carpenter, TD (I still haven't managed to pick up Codename: The Soldier) etc.
I'm also a bit surprised at the hate for the Christine soundtrack with all the songs rather than the score. It's very evocative of the film, I mean Bad to the Bone is Christine. The score is also available separately, so you do at least get the choice.
By Darren LD1984
My first ever record was Flash by Queen. My Dad bought it for me after taking me to the pictures to see Flash Gordon. I played that and the flip; Football Fight, over and over.

I just did a weird double take reading this! I was the exact same

Flash was my first single. Played Football Fight to death. Also, I recorded films on to cassette. Weird!

I also remember really wishing I had the money to buy Predator on video and it being £75.

I probably ended up with the ITV version that cut out any violence dubbed in their own dialogue (with amazingly jarring attempts at accents) to remove bad language
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By horseloverphat
I absolutely love Flash Gordon...the De Laurentis film. I went to see it on my own when I was just 10 and it is still the most memorable sonic & visual experience I've ever had in a cinema (thanks to Queen & Donati etc)...I certainly preferred it over Star Wars.

Yes, initially sell through videos were very expensive...early 80's they were typically over £50 (many nearer to £70)...god help you if the machine chewed up the rental tape! Linking two VHS recorders together to produce your own copy was obviously a way around it...but of course, I never condoned the practice! ;-)
By scottyboy71
@Darren thank God for that. I thought I was the only weirdo that recorded films onto cassette!

@ Horseloverph I remember strolling around the upstairs at either HMV or Virgin on Oxford Street and gawking at the videos on sale for £80 a pop. And 2 VHS recorders? My parents could barely afford to hire one from Radio Rentals.
Scottyboy and Darren - you're foolin' nobody with this "two different people" malarky.

By Darren LD1984
Scottyboy and Darren – you’re foolin’ nobody with this “two different people” malarky.

"If things have gone wrong, I'm talking to myself and you don't have a wet towel around your head. Now, whatever your name is, get ready for the big surprise. You are not you, you're me."
By Cloudships
the first CD i ever owned i got for christmas of 3rd grade, and that was Twin Peaks by Angelo Badalmenti. I actually got 2 copies, one from parents and one from my aunt. I suppose that was the seed, as ive always been into scores, soundtracks and various experimental genres that are reminiscent of OSTs. But when i was probably like 4-5 i had those star wars and indiana jones readalong books with 7"s and a couple of them would have the theme song as side b.