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By dweebofthedead
[quote=58310]I found the STBC post where Waxwork mentions 10 releases for 2015: ... eply-47981

“We launched the sub right before the holidays, we just moved into a new office (our old office didn’t even have a restroom), etc. However, that means that things are moving and taking shape. A lot of hard work goes on behind the scenes. We have around ten releases lined up for this year.”


So they choose which five should be part of the sub and which five won't be part of the sub.

I love WW and all, but I get a feeling they set up a sub for their least anticipated titles.
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By texasvinyl
I'm stoked for Phase IV and Nightbreed, and I bet the fifth sub title is awesome. Starry Eyes and CHUD I haven't heard, but Room 237 was solid, so Starry Eyes might be a good one too.

Also, theoretically nothing is stopping them from having a Sub Volume II for future releases. OWS and Death Waltz both have "off-subscription" titles.

I will echo the others in requesting first dibs on the non-subscription titles. That is an awesome value-added service in a subscription that doesn't cost the label a penny to provide.
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By texasvinyl
I missed that, nice!! That's awesome. Creepy mannequins and some Pino Donaggio magic. How the hell is that movie rated PG?
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By waxworkrecords
Hey guys, apologies for our absence here. Been up to our ears in it.

I read all the comments and want to be as transparent as possible. If you have questions, please ask!

The sub for 2015 includes five releases. We strongly feel that EVERY release offered with the sub is special and worth every bit of anticipation they deserve. Some of them have never seen a release in any format ever (PHASE IV, C.H.U.D.), some are hard to find and are often prohibitively expensive (Nightbreed, and the other not-yet-officially-announced, but hinted at via our Instagram, FB, and Twitter), and the other title is the best score we've heard created for a modern horror film in years (Starry Eyes).

Friday the 13th Part II, as well as numerous other Waxwork releases offered this year cannot be offered in the sub for many reasons. Some titles are limited in quantities due to licensing restrictions, some are ridiculously costly to manufacture, some are so stupidly mind blowing that we're dumping nearly every waking moment into them, constantly coming up with great ideas for packaging, liner notes, art, etc.

A lot of thought went into the subscription service, and we picked the five titles offered very selectively.

An added incentive / bonus to subscribers is that we are offering an attractive discount on everything we sell on our website in 2015. Other labels' subscriptions offer 10% off, some offer 15% off. Waxwork is offering subscribers 18% off anything we sell throughout 2015.

Someone mentioned that we might have set up our 2015 sub for our "least anticipated titles". We sincerely feel as if all of our releases are awesome and worthy of anticipation. I'll flat out argue that C.H.U.D. should be in the goddamn Criterion Collection! I'm dead serious.

There's about to be a steady flow of releases coming your way (subscription and non subscription titles). We had a slow start to 2015 as we have been working non-stop, but you're about to experience a flood of jaw dropping news via Waxwork. That's right! All the cheese!
By dweebofthedead

Thanks for clarifying all the info.

And thank you for the discount. 18% is rad!

Please clarify for us:

Will sub holders get first dibs on non-sub releases?
By terryreidsauce

Thanks for the info. Will subbers get early dibs on non subscription titles? it woould be super cool if we did. Also will we get instructions on using our discounts before the F13 2 drop?
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By hncreature
+1 with terryreidsauce...I'd like to use that 18% on Friday
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By discophagus
Hope they will reserve at least a copy of F13PT2 for subbers as OWS did for Cannibal Holocaust!
By cookythecook
this is all good info, but what we really want to know is when will subscribers be allowed to order Friday the 13th 2 before it goes on sale?

Is this not going to be the case? In the details for the sub it mentions "No stress, hassle, or refreshing the website for release drops". Is this not true, and subscribers will indeed have to play the F5 game for releases? This is not how every other subscription operates, Death Waltz and OWS for example. I've been a member of both. Always been allowed to secure and purchase outside-sub titles before onsale.
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By liftman2013
Yes I'd have to echo the above comments.

I guess the answer is probably not by now. F13 part 2 is gonna be another mega drop. No mention if there's a very rare 'blood filled' alternative yet, but like they are after the crazy previous drop. Lessons learnt and it will just probably be a drop and see what versions are available.

I love WW too, but I guess it will leave a lot disappointed subbers if they don't get the exclusive version there considering that the point of signing up was to 'escape that stress'
By dweebofthedead
Ditto to what liftman2013 said.

If sub holders got first dibs to non-sub releases, we'd know by now. But we don't.

"Subscription members can also expect exclusive perks, subscriber-only colored wax, bonus merchandise, apparel, digital downloads, enamel pins, patches, and more. ..."

"No stress, hassle, or refreshing the website for release drops..."

Above is what WW said in their sub listing. I hope they honor this with all non-sub releases...

By repulsion
Good news!!! Thx for sharing the info.
By gojikranz88
hope i get that email i still haven't gotten the newsletter about phase IV...

really hoping there is something to help subbers out i still haven't gotten friday the 13th because of the bad taste that whole situation left in my mouth, but getting this one might spur me to find a copy.
By slik
Has anyone got a confirmation of their subscription yet? I have to admit to being a bit confused as to whether I'm even included. I know I'm paid up, but so far am stumbling over releases by chance. This is by no way a criticism of WW. I have re-subscribed to the newsletter, yet still seem to miss out on release news.
By gojikranz88
I never got a confirmation either. was sort of assuming this was part of it so glad people on here have some info.
By dweebofthedead
All I have to show for the sub is the PayPal receipt and two emails regarding a $5 shipping refund.

That's it.

I have yet to receive newsletter regarding PHASE IV or a "welcoming email."

However, they just sent out letters in the mail regarding subs according to their Instagram. So expect those soon!
By slik
This is not specific to the F13 II release, I know what I signed up to with the SUB. However, I only found out about the Phase IV release pressings by chance. I had hoped for that OWS / DW heads up.
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By NathanLurker
there was no subber specific emails sent by waxwork yet, so don't fret guys. those postcards took a slow time coming but they're coming, same for those emails. once they start coming in, if you don't receive them, then bring it up to the Waxwork people, everything will be fine ;)

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By reddye6
I gots my subscriber email about F13 tomorrow!
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By hncreature
Yeah me too...

...don't forget to check the junk mail folder
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By manuorru
Before today, never received any news about subcription since paymnent.

OK, F13-2 is not part of the Sub. But I can't understand if Phase IV has been already shipped and, if not so, there will be the chance to have F13-2 shipped together with Phase IV without extra charge, as OWS e.g.?


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