Moderators: lazyben, static14, texasvinyl

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By texasvinyl
Copenhagen Climax is great. When did OWS have the Roubaix? Must have been sleeping when that happened. Very nice!
By ninjaqutie
Well, I am assuming I am NOT a winner. I don't have that kind of luck.
Congrats on getting such a low number on phantom too! I always get like 200 and something. Nice package there overall fluppeco!!! ::thumbs up:: Spin to your ears content! :D
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By reddye6
With "Cannibal Holocaust" being a co-release between OWS and DW, will there be a OWC Static Club variant of this release?
By philball1974
@fluppeco what do you think of Hoxxxton? I surprised with the love that Copenhagen Climax received more people haven't found there way to this one.

Big fan of Rockford Kabine!
By antimax
Yes, hoping that OWS club members get first shot at Cannibal Holocaust, like I said in another thread… here's hoping!
By slybonethetownie
So, although it's still not been revealed what our free Static Club bonus item is, Sara refers to it as OWS08 in her recent email, so it sounds like it's a safe guess that it's a record.

Anyone have a guess as to what it could be?
By Whip Wilson
The Brown Note. 7" flexi-disc. Clear w/brown spatter.
By siforster
I so hope it wasn't just me who replied to the Static Club newsletter today with "Sperm and Blood please!"

Then again, I also hope I replied to the right email with that...
By Whip Wilson
My sentiments exactly, Si. I was writing that email when all of a sudden I felt very naughty. And not in a good way. Like I was doing something wrong. Then I tried to convince myself of how silly and immature those feeling were. How I should act like a proper adult about the whole thing. So I pulled up my hood, slid on my shades, cast a furtive glance over my left shoulder, and finished off that email like a man.
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By blue15
Just be glad this isn't a limited "filled" edition like Friday the 13th...
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By reddye6
Huh, I quite enjoyed asking for sperm and blood. It's like all my Friday nights eating at Denny's.
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By hncreature
They said SPERM...
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By tonyandrewgiles
@Si - Sperm & blood for me too!
By ninjaqutie
My response was "sperm and blood spatter for me please; it's the only way to go" I did it without any hesitation. I mean, come on... How can you not with this movie??
By ninjaqutie
[quote=44090]Then again, I also hope I replied to the right email with that…

Hah! That made me LOL :D Could you imagine getting that email from a random stranger. LMAO.
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By seb
We have been flooded with emails with the question if we will still be doing our subscription service STATIC CLUB.
(probably because of DW announcing they are stopping theirs)

Here's the deal on STATIC CLUB PART 2>

Starting tomorrow current club members will be able to renew their membership. (If you are a club member you will get an email with all the details). This can be done until JANUARY 15.

After that all open spots will go to the general public.

-Membership is limited to 250 entries.
-Prices have remained unchanged
-We'll still do 3 packages (Vinyl, Cassette or both)
-All the perks/advantages will stay in place (discounts, first picks, free digital, choice of variant, etc)
-North American's will still be able to become member through LITA and save A TON on shipping
-Current sub bonus item will be OWS08 and will be announced in January
-First titles of Static Club part 2 will be announced in January.

Long story short >

Current members will get an email tomorrow for renewal & we'll be accepting new members starting mid January.

That's it
If you have any questions… just shoot!


By strictlywayward
The LitA availability on these is most generous and appreciated. Here's hoping there's a spot or two left on 15th!
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By toosoonjunior
Nice! Good to know about LITA for us 'Mericans!
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By sonnydexter
bring on mid January! :) I need this in my life!
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By RougeGorge
The King is dead, long live the King!

Actually the best Ost label (DW sub 4 is a real disillusion), good prices (EU member), good communication and I will renew for sure because I love receive Sara's mails
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By chandler75
Yeah, Sara's emails are always a welcome treat. I can't wait to renew - the first sub more than fulfilled my expectations for quality and service :)
By Hoodini
Long Live OWS !
That was a great year, and i will renew with joice and anticipation, great records and communication, love you guys !
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Wednesday is the day!
By blindguy
I have an honest question from someone who doesn't know the first thing about running a label. 250 seems like a very low number at a time when soundtrack collecting seems to have exploded. With current subbers understandably getting irst crack it's easy to imagine newcomers being left out in the cold. Anyway, I'm just curious what the value is of putting a strict limit on subscriptions? I would think if you could get people to commit to paying for records in advance, possibly without any idea what they are getting, that would be great for the business. not only that, with the exception of the people who only buy records for their rarity, I'd think overall it would make the customer base happy to have the opportunity to subscribe if they so desired.

Not meant as any kind of criticism, like i said just honest curiosity. Regardless of whether i manage to land one I appreciate you making them available at LITA for those in the US.

One more question, how much did this run at LITA?
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