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By texasvinyl
I would, but I definitely don't have the cash. That would cost like five hundred dollars.
By dumaisaudio
If you search #mondocon on Instagram, you'll find some good pictures of stuff.
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@texasvinyl 500 USD? Wow, prices are insane, then. Anyway... Thank you very much for your reply ;) Have fun there!
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By Purplemule74
...And BTW, all this talk of flippers, color variants, 'true' vinyl enthusiasts, etc. depressingly reminds me of being a comic book collector in the 90s.

Beginning as a kid around 1982, I began collecting comics because a friend lent me a comic called 'Elfquest', which at that time came in a magazine format. I loved it, grew into a comic fan and eventually started collecting mostly Marvel comics through my second great comic love, Uncanny X-Men.

I'd attend the conventions in Portland, OR if I could, and I'd complain about the price of admission to get in which if I recall correctly was less than $20. I'd enjoy the lightly attended convention with other comic book nerds, who were largely unsocial like me and were merely there to try and pick up back issues of comics.

Then suddenly in the 90s, the comic book industry became a larger economic investment and the publishers began making holographic covers, 3-D covers, multiple versions of the same comic, etc. The attendance at conventions suddenly ramped up and I was stuck having to share space with a rabid new form of fan: The fan that didn't merely want to collect because they enjoyed the comic but the fan that collected primarily because they saw the comics as investments.

Eventually the market crashed and it took the comic book industry years to recover.

The parallels between comic book collecting then and vinyl collecting now are 'uncanny'.

As Sartre stated in No Exit, "Hell is other people." Don't expect others to live up to your personal expectations of conduct, because you'll always be disappointed because they'll live their life as they see fit. Enjoy this resurgence in vinyl while your taste for it is still sweet rather than bitter.

And heck, occasionally even enjoy other collectors. Sometimes you run across folks that truly enjoy the art. Sometimes the collector that enjoys the art and sees them as investments, even flippers, are the very same people.

Hopefully the folks lucky enough to be attending Mondocon are finding those kind of people to spend a little time with. Raise a glass and celebrate your joy!
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@texasvinyl Doesn't all 5 Mondo releases make 110 + 76 + 33 + 27 + 27 = 261 USD in total?
By karswell
@Purplemule74 Beautifully put I'm welling up ;) and yes some Mondocon pics would be good, even if you're all looking horribly smug with your treasures
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By texasvinyl
I guess 350 (if the awesome iron giant variant), my math was fuzzy!! But I "only" brought 500 with me and went through it all scary fast. Left the credit card at home because I didn't trust myself with it today. Way too much fun stuff and no willpower!

I did get an extra of Shaun of the Dead, just a black one since it turns out I am horrible at decapitating dummies with records. And an extra 2001 of unknown version. I don't think any of the vinyl has sold out, and it is likely they will all go online at some point. Didn't have enough to get extra of looper or iron giant.
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By texasvinyl
OK, the day is done, taking a break before the TCM screening. Super fun! Especially enjoyed the Geof Darrow panel and meeting Kevin @waxwork and Spencer @deathwaltz.

For extras: I am also having buyers remorse on the MOND-000 unknown test pressing after spending *way* too much money today. I don't know what title it is other than it is a single LP not a double.

$115 on MOND-001 (it was $110, + paypal fee). Email me texasvinyl at gmail dot com, and I can draft a PayPal invoice. Whoever emails me first; please tell me your forum name in the email. Shipping charge will be actual postage rate, USPS media mail $4 in the US and first class international elsewhere (expensive).
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By toosoonjunior
I have to say, now that I've had a day to listen to all the MondoCon records, I'm very pleased with all of them. No disappointments in the bunch. For me, TCM is the standout of the MondoCon releases. Very well done.
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By deafmetal
I am stoked for those of you that get to see the TCM screening tonight. Wish I could have made it there.
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By texasvinyl

Congrats to Antoni & Matt on an intense re-score! That was fucking awesome.
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By toosoonjunior
@texasvinyl Nice.

The program was kind of awesome...

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@texasvinyl Sent an email ;)
By karswell
@texasvinyl cheers for some great pics: I think I like the food one best even tho I'm a veggie! The event looks so cool wish we had a UK equivalent run by Spencer, but I fear we've lost him to the US forever :(
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By toosoonjunior
@karswell: In speaking to Spencer briefly at MondoCon, he confirmed that he'll remain in the UK, so I wouldn't worry about losing him.
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By Spun out of control

Bembom Brothers' Dreamland amusement park in Margate for the first UK DW + Mondo Con?

It is / was the place of dreams after all...

Let us plucky Brits show our compadres across the pond how it's done... :)
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By deafmetal
The first TCM vinyl has already hit ebay at $300. FML
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By Hatter313
i just saw that...absurd
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By deafmetal
I hope nobody pays that flipper $300 and sets the market that ridiculously high, or I am going to have a really difficult time obtaining one.
By karswell
@Spun out of control yeah "DeathWaltzLand" it's gotta happen! It must stay decrepit tho as I could see Spencer creeping about at night, cackling to the echoed sound of dripping water and scurrying rats, surveying his kingdom: "Mine ALL MINE!"
@toosoonjunior Praise be for that..see above ;)
By synthxanderharris
First off, super excited that DeathWaltz and Mondo are joining forces. I think it makes a lot of sense and it's cool as shit. I think it will also make their output with better availability in Europe and America. It's fantastic. MondoCon was fantastic and I met some amazing people. I can't wait for next year already.


As for flippers, fuck right off. As an artist, I can tell you that the money doesn't go to the label, doesn't go to the artist who created the score or the artwork designers and artists, or the people who work at the label offices who send the packages, take care of dings, reach out to customers and love what they do. It's not like any of us are super rich and it's not like anyone expects to get rich. My point of view is I want someone to hear what I do so instead of paying some family of Draculas an outrageous amount of money. I'd rather send the low res digital files to a fan for free rather than make them suffer through some asshole that's going to charge them 300 dollars for a record, that's absurd.
By Darren LD1984
"family of Draculas".. That's just brilliant!
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