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By layneharvey
is anyone still waiting on their Mondo MANIAC? i have yet to receive shipping notification... :\
By phantasm
oh, cut it out, you! don't you know they have to covertly do a reprint because of all the orders?
By ghostfires
@fanboy - With them getting bigger and better according to the statement you copied above, hopefully they'll actually upgrade their website/servers to handle the business when they release stuff online to prevent everything from crashing or locking up for most buyers!
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By layneharvey
finally got around to listening to my white vinyl copy of Mondo's MANIAC that i got from, and the damn thing is warped... CRAP!
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By Purplemule74
@layneharvey -

Sorry man, you got rocked on that record order; long delays and warped records.

I had a similar thing happen with a book I ordered recently. Long delay, and when I finally got the book there was a big rip in the back cover. Somehow the rip was left off the item description, imagine that...
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By freshoj
@layneharvey - I bet contacting Mondo would be pretty fruitful. I have had nothing but good experiences with them and I imagine they have some copies on hand for this sort of a thing - and more importantly they know which boxes hold the white vinyl so you should be able to swap white for white.
By pabloeterovic
I got my copy from Amazon to, white version, and it was warped too.
Maybe they were on the same box.
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By layneharvey
@pabloeterovic - that really sucks, man. mine makes a hiss sound everytime it comes down from the warped part, so it is very noticeable.

@jmctodo - thanks for the advice. i sent them a message to see if there was anything they could do about it.
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By layneharvey
@pabloeterovic and @jmctodo - i checked with Mondo about possibly swapping out my warped copy, and this was the response, which is kind of what i expected, but...:

"So sorry but we are unable to replace records that are not purchased directly from our site. Wish I had better news for you!"

well, since i ordered one direct from Mondo as well, they are sending me a white copy once they get their last shipment from the record plant. so maybe i can swap my slightly warped copy with someone on here for a black copy, so as i can have both. :)
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By chandler75
layneharvey: Why not file a claim on Amazon (your account -> orders -> file claim)? The few times I've done that they almost automatically issue a refund or credit your account. At least you'll get your money back....
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By layneharvey
@rasmus drews - i don't see that option to file claim unless it is from a third-party seller. i only see Return/Replace Item for that order, which was fulfilled by amazon. i'll dig around some more to see what my options are with amazon.
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By chandler75
Ah yes, you're right...
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By static14
yeah that's a bit too steep.
By StrangeVices
I just saw that. I agree it's too steep.
By phantasm
i just got shipping confirmation on my 7 week old MANIAC order, LOL.
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By layneharvey
yeah, me too. just yesterday. :)
By jayderek18
same here...finally.

It looks like it's a special 2-day shipping, so I guess it's nice Mondo stepped it up a bit. haha

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By layneharvey
heads up! someone just posted the black vinyl edition of mondo's maniac score by jay chattaway on discogs for $200 or best offer. still too much for me. according to discog's stats the max that has sold for in the last 10 transactions for that item was $151... but if anyone here wants to make dude an offer, who knows.

beggars CAN be choosers, as long as they have patience <-- that is the link to it :)
By pabloeterovic
any info about Mondo's next release?
I think it should be released this friday.
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By layneharvey
i haven't heard a single thing about it...
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By monsterworship
Any one got any info about the Miyazaki stuff shipping?
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By layneharvey
nothing yet on my end... although it took 2 months for me to get MANIAC, so i am not anticipating shipment any time soon.
By Re-animated Cat
2 months!? Maybe these will arrive as a nice Christmas present then.
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