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Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2015 4:25 pm
by Statochess
I have been wondering this for some time now - has the sale of Death Waltz to Mondo improved one to the detriment of the other? I remember picking up atomic breath Godzilla on the morning of release with no issues whatsoever. That no longer seems to be the case. And while as a UK buyer I am happy to support Spencer through Transmission Records, and as a consequence was able to pre-order the black vinyl of Aliens for a good price, are there UK collectors who miss the opportunity to get the cool coloured variant? Just throwing this out there to see what the thoughts of the forum members are. My broad question is this: 8 months in, what are your views on the Death Waltz/Mondo alliance?

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2015 4:31 pm
by deafmetal
In my opinion, it has always depended on the popularity of the release itself, second being pressing count.

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2015 4:34 pm
Been waiting for this ever since it was first mentioned over a year (possibly 2?) ago but it's dropped a week before pay day haha. Oh well will grab the retail version when it hits Transmission, congrats on those who got the deluxe it looks like an amazing package and the score itself is superb.
btw there is some serious bitching going on DW's Instagram, unbelievable how childish some people are.....seems this is one of Death Waltz's most popular release for a while.

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2015 4:38 pm
by deathwaltz
E-mail me

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2015 4:42 pm
by deathwaltz
This was a very LTD press of 500 in the gatefold it was always going to go quickly .

As others have said it always depends on the title really , a retail version will be in stores next month.

Mondo as a group always make a retail copy available so even if it sells out on our site you'll still be able to grab the record further down the line.

Also you'll be able buy variants in store when we open in Oct and we'll take reservations by phone the weekend after they hit the shop floor.

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2015 4:52 pm
by kumachan
I didn't like Mondo beforehand and I don't like them much now. Death Waltz I liked before but I like less now, I haven't really liked many of the releases since the merger and stopped being a completist after I missed a few releases. I was never bothered about paying £200 for six mystery releases as a subscriber, but paying £30ish per record makes you think about whether you really want Santa Claus Is An Axe Murderer or if you are just buying it to be a completist - I would have been buying it to be a completist, there was a lot of other good stuff around at the time and I got off the DW bandwagon, I've probably bought just under half the releases since.

Zombie Holocaust was one of the releases I did really want so the fact that it sold out in 10 minutes on a secret link really pissed me off, I will get one but I know that instead of costing me £30+ its going to cost me £60+, that pisses me off big time, particularly as I have been sitting here all day checking on their website every few minutes.

Hopefully Death Waltz will move towards doing the more gimmicky releases that Mondo likes and let One Way Static and others license the better music and make it more easily available. Somehow I don't think that will happen.

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2015 4:53 pm
@statochess I'm a UK based former subscriber and like most I was a bit pissed off at first but I quickly got over it. I've bought the variants via Mondo for a while but after being stung by UK customs on my last order (Absurd,Phantasm and Law Unit - grand total £94), I realised I could be getting the retail versions for just over half the price. So, I picked up the retail Cannibal Apocalypse here in the UK for £18 and the only difference is the colour of the vinyl. The Zombie Holocaust has a gatefold sleeve compared to the retail version though so that has put a spanner in the works.
In an ideal world the variants would be available online via a UK site but it doesn't look like its gonna happen as the subject is brought up every time a new release drops!

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2015 4:58 pm
by Voodoo_Jim
I did manage to buy two (barely) in case a friend with a major cannibal soundtrack collection wanted it. If he passes, I'll post here once I have it in hand.

I've had to dial down a lot lately with the sheer quantity of releases myself.

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2015 5:02 pm
by kumachan
Just got one on eBay for £54. Flipped an hour after release, feeling very pissed off at Mondo/Death Waltz right now.

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2015 5:03 pm
by flapdoodle
I had to get this one, as I love this soundtrack (And movie.)

I managed to get one (UK based), even though I work in an area with limited data reception (And I didn't want to use the work internet - they can be funny about websites we visit.)

Quite happy with the price - just over 30 pounds. My local store sells Hollywood Chainsaw Hookers for 29, so it's OK. I wish I was in the US, as the price would be a steal! I've stopped buying from Mondo apart from on special occasions. Normally i wait for them to turn up on Transmission or in my local shop.

I don't buy as much from Mondo as I did from DW (I was a subscriber, and sometimes got things I didn't like) but... things change. The releases this year have been awesome and I can just get the retail version in shops in the UK.

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2015 5:04 pm
by Revolver_OcelScott
What secret link? It was on Mondos front page and on Twitter?

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2015 5:04 pm
by kumachan
Now I see there is going to be a retail version. How annoying! I'm sure there was something somewhere saying this was a one-off pressing?

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2015 5:18 pm
What we need is a Transmission store buddy who will pop down Margate now and then and grab a few variants for us. Any takers?

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2015 5:23 pm
by NathanLurker
[quote=72873]Now I see there is going to be a retail version. How annoying! I’m sure there was something somewhere saying this was a one-off pressing?[/quote]

1st page of this thread it says, 500 gatefold direct from mondo, retail version in single pocket. So yeah maybe you can check with your ebay seller if he can cancel your order if you want the retail version.


I did buy 2 copies, one for me, one I expected I'd be able to trade with people who'd miss the drop

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2015 5:23 pm
by Revolver_OcelScott
You're pissed at them because it sold out? You knew it was going on sale today and you know roughly what time they go on sale. You missed out, it happens. It's not Mondo or Death Waltz's fault. You're acting like a spoiled child.

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2015 5:35 pm
by Hatter313
Just my two cents here, i actually passed on this one, i just wasn't feeling it, BUT i did go over to the site around noon my time, (close enough to the usual "random" time) and thought about it for a bit.

Ever since the DW/MONDO merger, i have not once had to resort to ebay or discogs to pick up a record i wanted. The last 8 months have been almost completely quiet for me oneBay, because i feel like the availability of releases form these two labels has been great.

Yes, these sold out fast, but that speaks to hopefully the popularity of this record, and Bravo Spencer and co. for selling out and making bank. this si a business for them as well as a fandom, so again, kudos for you guys.

Yeah there will always be some flippers, but considerably less than before to my eyes, especially with the removal of random variants (music only, the poster insanity is just nuts, but this isn't the space for that)

Also, Spencer has said REPEATEDLY that he will always provide a retail version of his releases. this was the same way as the old DW that so many people talk about, but a lot of the times instead of releasing 500 ltd pressings, he was releasing 350 ltd pressing, plus a clea ror solid color retail version. now the pressing numbers are larger, but this is maybe the first release in the last 8 months since the merger that i've seen go this fast. Some stuff is STILL right there on the site months later for those who want.

anyway - just some thoughts.

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2015 5:37 pm
by deathwaltz
There was no 'secret link' you just sound pissed off because you didn't get a copy .

I can't please all the people all the time and lately I can't please anybody . ....

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2015 5:38 pm
by deathwaltz
As there always is and always has been :)

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2015 5:39 pm
by deathwaltz
Drop me a line and we'll try and help you out .

This week on Facebook and Now Instagram has made me question why I bother if I'm honest .

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2015 5:42 pm
by kumachan
I've sat here all day checking their site. I checked a minute before I saw the posting on Facebook. It is still not listed on the site. The only way you can find it is by the link on the Facebook posting. Spoiled child? I feel pretty fucking spoiled paying £50 for a record released two hours ago for half the price. There are plenty of others on eBay, you could say I got a bargain, but I still feel cheated.

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2015 5:42 pm
by deathwaltz
Do you know how offensive this sounds ...

Hopefully Death Waltz will move towards doing the more gimmicky releases that Mondo likes and let One Way Static and others license the better music and make it more easily available. Somehow I don’t think that will happen.

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2015 5:45 pm
by kumachan
I've got one now and no intention of fucking about waiting for another edition. If you are the guy whose second copy is the one I got I'll apologize now for the negative feedback I am going to leave you after it turns up.

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2015 5:50 pm
by Revolver_OcelScott
Where are you checking? It was posted at 12:02 EST and was available for a while. You're obviously new to Mondo/DW stuff because you'd know yo check their site or Twitter over Facebook. It is still listed on their site, just sold out.

You didn't have to spend that money, you did of your own choice. You could have waited for the second run which was stated to be out at the beginning of this thread.

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2015 6:01 pm
by Occhionero
Bullshit about secret links. As I have posted it is on sale (here) it was available and I have had no problems buying one.

About flippers: there is only one way to handle this and that´s DON´T BUY FROM THEM!

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2015 6:05 pm
by BasementHorror
Gonna have to agree with @Hatter313 yet again.

I mean, c'mon. Am I the only one that remembers the old days? (And by old days I mean last year). Mondo drops for Tales from the Crypt, Batman, Jurassic Park, and the red Shaun of the Dead were blink-and-you-miss-it affairs. Even the LTD Death Waltz releases were gone in record time toward the end, and you figure the subbers (mostly) weren't in the mix on those drops.

This was up for a good 30 minutes and went up at the same time as the past 5 drops. Plus, there's a retail version that will be widely available.

Frankly, for how amazing this entire package is, I'm shocked it lasted as long as it did.

It would be a real shame if a few naysayers screwed this up for all of us. I, for one, think Death Waltz, and especially Mondo are better now than ever before. Sure, it's easier/cheaper for me in the states than for people elsewhere, and I know I've been very lucky/spoiled, but I can't say enough good things about both companies since the merger.

The releases have been varied and consistently incredible. The customer service has been outstanding.
Congratulations to Spencer and the gang on another world-class release.