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By tonyandrewgiles
Ditto with @ghostfires!
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By Spun out of control
@Rasmus - great idea, ha, ha...

... or used for a special picture disk edition, like the Maniac variant perhaps? :)

(@discosucks - he was asked on the DW Twitter feed 'do you own it?' to which the answer given was 'yes', but perhaps that could indeed be taken various ways... either way, be great to see some use of it made in the new packaging)
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By deathwaltz
I bought it actually :)
Been tracking it down for over a year it's pretty amazing and totally iconic .
It will probably go on the inner gatefold as if we used it for the cover the hand would be in the middle , I might do what vipco did and use just the hand as the front and then full image inside ...
bit undecided yet
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By deathwaltz
I can post some close ups if you guys want ?
By repulsion
Hell, yeah!!! Give me the close ups!!!
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By jgibbs4053
anyway possible you could make them into posters to include w the albums?
By dumaisaudio
I'm pretty stoked to hear about the expanded Halloween 3, definitely a favorite of time.

Spencer - what is going to happen with Escape From New York? You didn't mention that one.
By repulsion
Thank you soooooo much for the pics... (gasping for air...)
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By Spun out of control
Thanks for taking the time to post those pics - amazing that the artwork has survived all these years in what still looks like a pretty good condition for its age...

Love the glow of the sun against the really muted colours of the undead and New York in the background (even if, slightly misleadingly, most of the action in the movie takes place on a tropical island!)

Striking stuff that brings back a lot of memories!

As a kid all I saw of this movie was the poster - until picking up the Arrow Blu Ray a couple of years back - so yes, it has an iconic quality.

Must be a childhood dream come true to be running Death Waltz..?
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By Spun out of control
Away from the 'Originals' hoo-hah and on a more positive note, see that details are now up on the DW site of the John Carpenter title-represses, if not actual pics as yet... Oct release dates

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By thedeepness
Very Cool. They Live and Halloween III are must haves for me, remastered and extra cues, yes please I will probably just get the new sleeves for the other two. I was kind of surprised it is only 200 of each.
I hope these have the new textured sleeves, especially once Zombi 2 gets reissued. That art would look great on that textured paper.
By cookythecook
official details on the halloween 3 reissue special edition is AMAZING!

only 200, hope us subbers get first crack at em :)
By cookythecook
my guess is 200 just for the black/orange splatter. the clear (if exists) will be freely available. that clear vinyl appears to be the deal for the rest of these in the lot. perhaps that detail just was mistakenly left off the details page for h3
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By Spun out of control

Am not actually a subber, as, until now, have preferred the 'pick and choose' option. Not every DW release has appealed to me - so I can put that cash instead towards something from Waxwork, OWS , Mondo... perhaps.

Apart from actually getting sub variants of the titles automatically, which I'm no so fussed about, as the other variants are quite cool anyway, what are the other sub benefits? Is it worth the extra premium?
By cookythecook
@spunoutofcontrol howdy! one of the biggest benefits in my eyes, is not having to stress out about obtaining anything. life's short and i only have so much time per day to spend on this obsession (stupid other obligations!), so not having to have to watch the website like a hawk and have peace of mind is worth a lot lot lot to me. this was a giant help for me recently with Godzilla, as Im in the USA and that release wasn't available to be sold to USA directly, so i did not have to worry about "how do i go about obtaining this", and knew id get it. another huge benefit is the early purchase opportunity for whichever items Spencer decides to give subbers a crack at first online (cat in the brain flexi is a recent example). then you get all the rest of the bells and whistles such as lithographs, digital downloads, a sub exclusive single (such as the halloween 3 theme flexi in years past), sub exclusive vinyl variant,a discount code to use on the website (12% off every purchase), not to mention anything else that spencer may decide to throw in! :) i recommend it!

there is also a back2black sub available which drops many of the bells and whistles and still gets you every release and is significantly more affordable if wanted to investigate that route as well.
By philball1974
^^ What he said ^^

Also, I think the WAV files are Sub only, and also the second hand value of the Sub additions is much greater if you were to sell down the line (although not something im fussed by as my kids well get all my stuff!)

I also think if you can afford it at the time, it helps budget through the year. So I know each month I dont have to set aside some cash for the DW releases which is nice, and I guess the money helps DW to build reserves of cash to secure new rights etc so it helps all round.

I'm sure Spencer said something about Sub members getting VIP flights to the US and entry to MondoCon as special guest for the Sub label launch party too!
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By Spun out of control

You both do a good sales pitch! If there are plane tickets to foreign conventions included, may have to consider it ;)

Back on the re-press topic... the clear vinyl option is good news, makes it all less of a bunfight.... though I also hope Zombi 2 deluxe may get a larger run than 200, whatever 'limited' edition that eventually appears in

Couldn't see any further news about that title as yet?
By masonhastie
I'm assuming it has to do with weighing the cost benefits of a larger run license. A 200 copy license is probably pretty cheap, compared to higher quantities. And since these have already had a few pressings, estimating how many will sell, and how quickly, could be tough.

EDIT: Oh never mind. I didn't realize there were also clear versions. My point is moot.

By EvanCampbell
Spencer - Curious to know if you will have any of the new repress at Son of monsterpalooza...or they will not be ready in time?
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By deafmetal
Will there be a preorder date for the DW006-009 represses, or is that all happening on October 20th?
By ragingbull27
It's safe to assume the carpenter repress limited variants/200 are exclusive to subscription holders with the rest being on the DW store. no way they would get put up at Light In The Attic distro page would it? Curious US Customer inquiring here...
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